Wictor Wilen

Wictor Wilen is Product Leader at Microsoft. Former Microsoft Regional Director and SharePoint MVP, as well as an author and a well known international speaker

SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013: How to refresh the Request Digest value in JavaScript

Introduction SharePoint 2013 (and previous versions) uses a client side “token” to validate posts back to SharePoint to prevent attacks where the user might be tricked into posting data back to the server. This token is known by many names; form digest or message digest or request digest. The token is unique to a user and a site and is only valid for a (configurable) limited time. When building Apps or customizations on top of SharePoint, especially using patterns such as Single Page Applications (SPA) or using frameworks such as knockout.


Presenting at TechX Office 365 January 23-24 2014

This year has barely started but the conference season is already running at full speed. The first conference for me of this year will be the TechX Office 365, here in Stockholm, Sweden. This is a conference organized by Microsoft with sole focus on Office 365. There will be national and international speakers of top class. I will do two presentations, one about Building Apps for SharePoint [Online] 2013 and one about Building Apps for Office 2013.

SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013: Enabling PDF Previews in Document Libraries with Office Web Apps 2013

Introduction A couple of weeks back I blogged about the March Update for Office Web Apps 2013 and also how you could use that update to show PDF previews in a SharePoint 2013 Search Center. Since then I’ve received a lot of requests on how to enable PDF Previews in a Document Library, which isn’t there by default. Of course it is not a WAC thing, it’s a SharePoint 2013 thing – but the SharePoint 2013 updates (up until now at least) does not provide this capability either.


Summing up the year of 2013 and embracing 2014

Wow, 2013 was an interesting year and the time has come for my annual blog post to sum up the year that soon has passed us and looking a bit into the crystal ball for the next one. This is my seventh summary post and it is always fun to look back at what has happened during the last 12 months (2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 and 2006). For me the year has been really intensive on all levels; I don’t think I´ve ever experienced such a huge demand for my professional services as of now, there is so much new stuff to learn and it´s harder and harder to keep up, I have a hard time resisting doing tons of community stuff and at the same time we had a huge construction work at our house, and of course having two soon-to-be teenager girls takes its toll!

SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 Architecture Survey

Happy Holidays everyone! At the upcoming SharePoint Conference, next year in Las Vegas, I will be presenting a session called Real World SharePoint 2013 Architecture decisions. The session will discuss and give examples of real world decisions and trade-offs you might be faced with as a SharePoint Architect. In order to make the session even more interesting I would like you all to help out with some statistics. Therefore have I created a small survey with a few questions.

SharePoint 2013

Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2013 is here, just in time for the holidays…

I remember a person who clearly stated “I will never ever write a book again”. Yup, twas me. I managed to hold that promise for a year and a half. But when an interesting opportunity appears, I’m usually all-in again. And so it was. Early this year I got the request from some dear friends to help with writing another book, fortunately this time not as the single responsible author but instead together with a really experienced bunch of SharePoint people, whose knowledge and resume are really impressive.

SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013: Fix to the “Could not find Stored Procedure Search_GetRepositoryTimePerCrawl” error

Introduction In this post I will show you how to fix the “Could not find Stored Procedure ‘Search_GetRepositoryTimePerCrawl’” exception in SharePoint 2013. This is an exception that you can get when looking at crawl log details for a Search Service Application. The error might go unnoticed since it will not affect indexing or querying. Symptoms In SharePoint 2013 when you are trying to inspect crawl logs and statistics for indexing and querying you might see exceptions that say “Could not find stored procedure ‘Search_?


SharePoint Saturday - In Stockholm for the first time

Finally we’re getting SharePoint Saturday to Stockholm! Next year in January, or to be more precise the 25th of January 2014, the global SharePoint Saturday event will come to central Stockholm and World Trade Center. What is a SharePoint Saturday? SharePoint Saturdays are a free events that happens in cities around the world, unfortunately most of them are on the other side of the pond. But once in a while we see these great events pop up in Europe.

SharePoint 2013

The correct way to execute JavaScript functions in SharePoint 2013 MDS enabled sites

Introduction JavaScript is the future of SharePoint development (and please don’t quote me on that :-). JavaScript is everywhere in SharePoint 2013 and upcoming incarnations, and you will see a couple of posts on this topic from me in the future. The JavaScript language is easy (well, sort of), but the many different implementations and API’s built using JavaScript might cause confusion. One of the things in SharePoint 2013 that makes JavaScript development quite problematic is the Minimal Download Strategy (MDS) in SharePoint 2013.

SharePoint 2013

Clearing up the confusion with Host Named site collections and Path Based site collections

Introduction I’ve been reading and seeing a lot of blog posts, articles, videos etc over the last few months discussion Host Named site collections vs Path Based site collections in SharePoint 2013, and 2010 for that matter. What I find interesting is that a lot of those articles are either misinterpreting the official guidance and documentation on TechNet or are just plain wrong. In this post I will try to clear up some of the confusion, and hopefully I’m not that wrong in this post.