Wictor Wilen

Wictor Wilen is Product Leader at Microsoft. Former Microsoft Regional Director and SharePoint MVP, as well as an author and a well known international speaker

SharePoint 2010

Give your SharePoint 2010 custom Application Proxy Groups pretty names

SharePoint 2010 allows you to configure your Service Application in Application Proxy Groups. By default all Service Applications ends up in the Default Proxy Group, named default. This Proxy Group is used by all Web Applications unless otherwise specified. Sometimes there is need to create specific Proxy Groups for different Web Applications, the reasons may vary but often it is a result of having different service offerings. For instance you would like to have different Managed Metadata Service Applications for different Web Applications.

SharePoint 2010

You cannot create property based search scopes in Office 365 (SharePoint Online)

Post is updated, see comments at the end of the post. We’re really getting close to the go live of Office 365 and I am, and I guess a lot of you are as well, preparing to launch a couple of Intranets and sites. As you know by now there are some major differences between SharePoint 2010 on-premise and SharePoint Online in Office 365. And there are also some more subtle ones that jumps up right in your face.


Microsoft Certified Master - SharePoint 2010, thoughts and reflections

Now with the Microsoft Certified Master course two and a half weeks behind me and the great news that I accomplished all the exams, and might call myself a Microsoft Certified Master for SharePoint 2010, only a few days old I thought I should write something about the program, experience and value of it. Recent blog posts about the Microsoft certification programs also put some extra fuel onto the urge of writing about it.

SharePoint 2010

How to do active authentication to Office 365 and SharePoint Online

This is a post detailing how you perform active authentication to SharePoint Online in Office 365. Active authentication is required when you need to authenticate in code to programmatically access SharePoint objects, using for instance Client Object Model, web services or WebDAV from outside of Office 365. When you are “in” SharePoint Online or using the web browser this is not needed since you are either already authenticated and the web browser handles the authentication using active authentication.

SharePoint 2010

Speaking at the European SharePoint Conference in October

I’m proud to announce that I have been selected to speak at the European SharePoint Conference, held in Berlin 17-20 October 2011. This is the largest SharePoint conference in Europe this year and there are plenty of good speakers and sessions, so get your seat while they still are available. I will have two sessions: Integrating Office 365 and Windows Azure - Tuesday, 18th at 11:15 This session focuses on how to extend Office 365 using Windows Azure.

Visual Studio

CKSDev version 2.0 is released - includes Contextual Web Part SPI

The by far best utility for SharePoint 2010 developers is the CKSDev extension (Community Kit for SharePoint - Developer extensions). It’s an extension to Visual Studio 2010, available through the built-in Extension Manager. To install it, just hit Tools > Extension Manager and then search for “CKSDEV” in the Online Gallery. Version 2.0 of CKSDev was released yesterday, and if you already have it installed you should have been notified about the update.

Windows Phone 7

Session Timer for Windows Phone 7

Once in a while even a SharePoint addict does something else but SharePoint and so has I. I’ve been fiddling a bit with a Windows Phone 7 application. Actually the application has been available in the Windows Phone marketplace for two months now (thanks to those who downloaded it or even purchased it). But now it’s up to version 2.0 where all my initial wanted features are in place, thanks to a huge delay when flying into Seattle this weekend.

SharePoint 2010

Get rid of the annoying SPAN tags in SharePoint 2010 pages

For quite some time I’ve been pretty annoyed (and that’s an understatement) of the strange span-tags generated by the output of pages in SharePoint 2010. Not only are they annoying they also make the markup invalid, since the span tags are omitted after the closing html tag (duh!). So in order to get to the bottom of this I decided to face my fears and entered debugging mode. It only took me a few minutes to find out what was going wrong, and I didn’t even have to step (almost) through any SharePoint code to find it out.


Happy Birthday SharePoint - 10 amazing years!

Earlier today Jeff Teper, Microsoft Corporate Vice President, wrote about the 10th birthday of SharePoint. This post made me lean back and close my eyes for a while and think back of what has happened during the last decade - and it is a lot of stuff! And I’ve playing with SharePoint more or less since then! The SharePoint story for me started back in 2000. I was running my own company, iBizkit, and we built a “SharePoint like” Intranet portal product.

SharePoint 2010

Understand Top Browser statistics in SharePoint 2010 Web Analytics

The Web Analytics feature in SharePoint 2010 is a great new addition and allows you to get some insights on how your users behave whether it’s an Intranet, Extranet or a public facing web site. One of the reports is called Top Browsers and shows which web browser that the users are using to access the site. For a public facing web site this report might make sense but for an Intranet the results may cause you a headache if you do not understand how to interpret the data.