Wictor Wilen

Wictor Wilen is Product Leader at Microsoft. Former Microsoft Regional Director and SharePoint MVP, as well as an author and a well known international speaker

SharePoint 2010

SharePoint and Exchange Conference 2010 and User Group meeting wrap up

This years SharePoint and Exchange Conference, the seventh in order, took place this week. For the second year I was there as a speaker and had just as great time as last year. It is currently the largest conference in Scandinavia focusing on SharePoint and Exchange technologies and its growing for each year. Göran Husman (MVP) and Beatrice from Humandata has done an excellent job in putting this conference together and finding such good speakers; both national and international.


Visual guide to Windows Live ID authentication with SharePoint 2010 - part 3

Here is the third part of my Visual guide to Windows Live ID authentication in SharePoint 2010. This part takes off just where we ended the last part. If you haven’t read part 1 and part 2 then make sure to read them through before continuing. Submitting site for compliance In order to get your INT site into the PROD/production environment you need to make sure that your site follows the compliance rules.

Microsoft Office

NullReferenceException when uploading multiple files in SharePoint 2010

Recently came across a really interesting bug in SharePoint 2010. It’s when you are trying to upload multiple files using the ActiveX control, where you can drag and drop files or select multiple files. I started receiving “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” exceptions from the STSUpld control. The usual Google, ahem, Bing check revealed nothing. Just that I was not alone having this problem (hence this post).

SharePoint 2010

Dissecting the SharePoint 2010 Taxonomy fields

An intense Twitter conversation initiated by Fabian about how Managed Metadata is updated in SharePoint 2010 gave me the idea to note down a few interesting bits about the Taxonomy Fields and how they work within a Site Collection. I hope/guess that Fabian will write a good post (as usual) about his findings as well. Introduction The possibility to tag documents in SharePoint is one of my favorite features and one of the reasons that I think you should move to SharePoint 2010 as soon as possible.

SharePoint 2010

SharePoint 2010 and Visio 2010: Better together - Part 3

Welcome back to the SharePoint 2010 and Visio 2010 Better together series for this third part. In part 2 I showed you how to use Visio 2010 to convert your business requirements into workflows that later could be used in SharePoint 2010, using SharePoint Designer 2010 as the man in the middle. This time I’ll show you how Visio comes into play even after you have deployed your workflows and running them in your organization.


Visual guide to Windows Live ID authentication with SharePoint 2010 - part 2

UPDATE 2012-02-01: A new and better approach to this is detailed in a new Visual Guide - Visual guide to Azure Access Control Services authentication with SharePoint 2010. I’m back with the second part of the Visual guide to Windows Live ID authentication with SharePoint 2010 series. Part 1 was a huge success and has received a lot of feedback and hits - I hope many of you out there successfully configured your web sites and extranets.

SharePoint 2010

Sweden SharePoint User Group (SSUG), Meeting in October

Introduction After a long and well deserved vacation we’re now back with new strength! It’s time for our first SSUG meeting for the fall! Please do remember; This is a FREE event – we never have and never will charge anyone for loving SharePoint and sharing the awesomeness :-) Meeting details Let’s meet up at Microsoft HQ for our first SSUG meeting this fall! You will have the possibility to mingle around with SharePoint MVPs, folks from Microsoft and of course all our splendidly cool members!

Visual Studio

Making every site in SharePoint 2010 into a BI Center

The other day I had an interesting and great workshop with a customer about the BI features in SharePoint 2010. SharePoint Insights is one thing that really gets me going - so much great stuff can be unleashed using Excel, Visio and PerformancePoint Services. One thing that annoys me with the default settings in SharePoint 2010 is the BI Center. A BI Center does not support the “BI for everyone” mantra - that center only turns numbers and KPI fans on.


Join me for a chat with the SharePoint MVP Experts

Next Wednesday I will sit in the SharePoint MVP Experts panel for a Q&A session where you can ask your questions about SharePoint. The SharePoint MVP Experts Q&A chat is your opportunity to chat and get instant answers about any SharePoint related questions, including topics such as development, design, configuration and setup. There will be several SharePoint MVP’s ready to answer your questions… When? The chat will take place the 29th of September at 9AM PDT.