Wictor Wilen

Wictor Wilen is Product Leader at Microsoft. Former Microsoft Regional Director and SharePoint MVP, as well as an author and a well known international speaker

SharePoint 2010

SharePoint 2010 and Visio 2010 - better together - part 2

This is the second post in the SharePoint 2010 and Visio 2010 - better together series. And it is time to really check out what this great combination have to offer, and the most obvious subject to start with is that we can now use Visio to design the workflows, which then are imported to SharePoint via SharePoint Designer 2010. So let’s get started. If you ever built workflows for previous versions of SharePoint you either used SharePoint Designer 2007 or Visual Studio 2005/2008.

SharePoint 2010

Sandboxed workflow activities in SharePoint 2010

One of the really great features in SharePoint 2010 is the Sandbox, which allows the end-users to upload solutions using the web interface, instead of relying on administrators adding the solutions directly to the farm. One of the things that that can be deployed to the Sandbox is custom workflow activities. These activates can then be used by the end-users building workflows with SharePoint Designer. It is really powerful to add custom sandboxed activities and it is very easy as well!


Visual guide to Windows Live ID authentication with SharePoint 2010 - part 1

UPDATE 2012-02-01: A new and better approach to this is detailed in a new Visual Guide - Visual guide to Azure Access Control Services authentication with SharePoint 2010. Using Windows Live ID as login provider for SharePoint is a really huge thing. It makes the scenario for public facing web sites, extranets etc. much more easier, for instance there is no need to maintain passwords and users in the same degree.

SharePoint 2010

SharePoint 2010 and Visio 2010 - better together

This is the first post in a series about SharePoint 2010 and Visio 2010 and how the two products integrate with each other. I remember when I first saw Visio many, many years ago. It was before Microsoft acquired it from Visio Corporation. It was my dad using it to make blue prints of our summer house. As most of the gadgets and software he buys he needs a helping hand, not saying he is not technical, but I tend to catch up on such stuff faster than him, so I learnt the basics.

Visual Studio

Understanding folders and namespaces in Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Solutions, Packages and Features - part 2

This is a follow-up post to the Understanding folders and namespaces in Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Solutions, Packages and Features (probably my longest blog post title, except this one…). In that post I discussed how folders and namespaces are handled in Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint projects. I will continue to show some details and tips on how you can affect the outcome of your project/packages. Long feature folder names As the previous post showed the features generated by Visual Studio ends up as a subfolder in the {SharePoint Root}\TEMPLATE\FEATURES folder.

SharePoint 2010

SharePoint 2010 August 2010 Cumulative Update makes User Profile Service Application inaccessible (Updated)

UPDATED 2010-10-03: Obviously the KB2276339 is not a Aug CU hotfix KB2352342 is the correct one. The second Cumulative Update (CU) is out for SharePoint 2010. It contains two hotfixes; one for Foundation and one for Server. The Foundation fix contains the really important update that should fix the problem with LINQ to SharePoint and anonymous users. You can get the fixes here: SharePoint Foundation 2010 August 2010 CU hotfix (KB2266423) SharePoint Server 2010 August 2010 CU hotfix (KB2276339) SharePoint Server 2010 August 2010 CU hotfix (KB2352342) - KB article not live yet but you can request the hotfix here.

Visual Studio

Understanding folders and namespaces in Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Solutions, Packages and Features

Yesterday Todd Bleeker (SharePoint MVP) wrote a post about the SharePoint Project SPI’s where he explains how SPI effectively are folders within a SharePoint solution. I thought that I should continue that discussion a bit and looking at how these folders and other things such as packages and features affects the actual deployed artifacts. Packages A package (#3 in the figure to the right) is the actual WSP file that will be created containing all your objects from your solution that will deployed to the SharePoint application servers.

Visual Studio

How to create a SharePoint 2010 application using Visual Studio 2010 LightSwitch

Visual Studio 2010 LightSwitch is a new kid on the block in the Visual Studio suburbs. Basically it is a rich client application editor for Visual Studio that allows you to develop (or should I say “click-through”) an application very easy without any programming skills at all. You can create a custom database, attach to an external data source or WCF RIA service and last but not least hook it up to SharePoint.

SharePoint 2010

Upcoming speaking engagements - Stockholm to Singapore

Summer is not yet over (at least not according to the calendar) and this autumn is already being planned and filled with some great stuff. Part from working on a great SharePoint 2010 project, waiting for the book to be ready and some other stuff I also have planned a few speaking events - which I’m really thrilled about. SharePoint and Exchange Forum 2010 Stockholm - 18th-19th October For the second consecutive year I will speak at the largest SharePoint and Exchange event in Scandinavia, arranged by my good friend and SharePoint MVP Göran Husman - the SharePoint Exchange Forum 2010 (#SEF).


About the SharePoint 2010 certifications

A little more than a year ago I wrote a post after finishing all four SharePoint 2007 exams called “70-640 passed! Do you really call this a certification!”. I thouht the exams were to easy and did not say much about your SharePoint skills at all and I had hopes for the new SharePoint 2010 exams. I did hope that they would stop focusing on IntelliSense and API knowledge and more focus on best practices, design decisions and problem solving.