Wictor Wilen

Wictor Wilen is Product Leader at Microsoft. Former Microsoft Regional Director and SharePoint MVP, as well as an author and a well known international speaker

SharePoint 2010

A whole lot of SharePoint 2010 guidance available - weekend reading

SharePoint 2010 is just around the corner and Microsoft is starting to release guidance and planning documents for the new and shiny version. Up until now there has been little guidance on hardware and software limits/boundaries/recommendations of SharePoint 2010 and comparisons with SharePoint 2007. But now when the release is imminent is essential to get up to speed on this. Here is a compilation of some of them that I find really interesting and will take for weekend reading.

SharePoint 2010

Create custom Rating icons for SharePoint 2010 Server

SharePoint 2010 contains functionality for rating documents and items using a classic five-star rating approach. But those starts looks a little bit like the Google stars, right? Wouldn’t it be cool to brand the rating and use custom icons like this: The solution is quite easy actually. You need to create a set of images and then set a few properties on the SPWeb object of the top-level site in the Site Collection.

SharePoint 2010

SharePoint 2010 - The Developer Tour in Sweden

The release SharePoint 2010 and Office 2010 is imminent and I can already smell them! Microsoft Sweden with André Henriksson will take a tour around our beautiful country and show all the good stuff that is coming for us developers called SharePoint 2010 - The Developer Tour. Me and my awesome MVP mate Tobias Zimmergren will help out during some stops of the tour. It’s a half day full with developer goodies that you can’t miss out on!


Upcoming engagements of spring 2010

I’d like to take the opportunity to tell you about some of my upcoming engagements this spring. SharePoint 2010 - the Developer Tour - May 17th, Stockholm A half day introduction to SharePoint 2010 development arranged by Microsoft in Stockholm. If you are new to SharePoint development or a skilled SharePoint 2007 developer you should not miss this out. Together with Microsoft we will dive into the wonderful world of the new Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Developer Tools and SharePoint Designer 2010.


I am a SharePoint Server MVP

While commuting home this beautiful afternoon I received an e-mail from Microsoft containing the following: Congratulations! We are pleased to present you with the 2010 Microsoft® MVP Award! This award is given to exceptional technical community leaders who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with others. We appreciate your outstanding contributions in SharePoint Server technical communities during the past year. I am very, very proud of receiving this award and it gives me a real boost to continue exploring the SharePoint world…

SharePoint 2010

Working with SharePoint 2010 Correlation ID in PowerShell and code

SharePoint 2010 the logging has been extended with a new Correlation ID which is unique for each request or operation. The Correlation ID makes it very easy to track down any unexpected errors since you can search for the id in the trace logs. This unique ID is also maintained between servers for instance when making a call to a service application. The SharePoint 2010 error page also shows this Correlation ID so that any end-users seeing the message can contact support and give the the Correlation ID.

SharePoint 2010

Deployment and security options of custom code in SharePoint 2010

In SharePoint 2010 there are more ways to deploy custom code than in its predecessors, the reason is the introduction of the Sandboxed solutions. There are basically now three different ways to deploy custom assemblies: Full trust solutions, aka Farm solutions - The assemblies are registered in the GAC and runs under full trust Partial trust solutions, aka Web Application solutions - The assemblies are deployed to the bin folder of a specific Web Application Sandboxed solutions, aka User code solutions - The assemblies (solutions) are deployed to the Site Collection gallery These are the basic variants of how to deploy custom assemblies.

SharePoint 2010

Confusing names of commands in SharePoint 2010

If you have been developing with SharePoint for the last few years you probably are very aware of the SPWeb and SPSite naming is a bit confusing. SPWeb is actually a site and SPSite is a site collection. It’s always fun explaining this to new SharePoint developers… In SharePoint 2010 this naming convention confusion continues and now expands to the administration of SharePoint. Let’s for example take the example when you are activating or deactivating features.

SharePoint 2010

SharePoint 2010 Web Parts in Action - book site is live

As some of you know I’m writing a book on SharePoint 2010 Web Parts development to be published by Manning Publications. I have set up a site dedicated to this book project where you can follow the progress of it. You can find the site at http://www.sharepointwebpartsinaction.com/ I am currently half way through the writing and we are closing in on the Manning MEAP program. So if you are interested in the latest news on the book head on over to the site…

Web Parts

What is new with the CssRegistration control in SharePoint 2010

The CssRegistration class (in Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls namespace) is one of the most useful controls in SharePoint 2010. It existed in SharePoint 2007 but was fairly limited then. I thought I should guide you through why it is so useful in SharePoint 2010 and why and when you should use it. I briefly mentioned the CssRegistration control in my previous post on SharePoint 2010 themable CSS files. But first some background. Why the CssRegistration control?